David Harsanyi

David Harsanyi has written on culture, politics and sports for Capitalism Magazine, National Review, Weekly Standard, New York Press, Associated Press, CNN-SportsIllustrated, FrontPage Magazine, Tech Central Station, Israel National News & numerous other publications. Visit his website (http://dharsanyi.blogspot.com/).

Fatwa: Coming to a Country Near You

"There is no room for play in Islam... It is deadly serious about everything." So declared Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khomeini, in 1980. Nine years later, Indian-born British author Salman Rushdie discovered the grim consequences of free expression in...

Democratic Political Propaganda: Rhetoric vs. Reality

Democratic Political Propaganda: Rhetoric vs. Reality

Imagine... ...a recent graphic ad on the Republican.com website pictures smiling Democratic leaders Tom Daschle and Richard Gephardt shoving a young girl with pigtails in front of a train with the words ‘public education' written on its side. Although Democrats called...

Hollywood Actors: False American Idols

The singer. The actor. The empty vessel. Many pundits believe celebrities are frivolously easy targets unworthy of our scorn. They must realize, however, that a single voice of a celebrity reaches more common Americans than a busload of think tank intellectuals. The...

Who Do Democrats Hate More: Saddam or Bush?

Who Do Democrats Hate More: Saddam or Bush?

Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. Surely most Republicans observed in giddy delight as Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle did his best imitation of Jack Palance on the Senate floor, accusing President Bush of "politicizing" the debate over national security...

Orwellian ‘Peace’ Movement

For decades, radicals have gobbled up words such as 'peace' and 'progressive' and spit them out as the pillars of anti-American, radical leftist philosophy. Nothing's changed. Pacifists and progressives with the keen ability to convert illogical into something that...

The ‘Chickenhawk’ Defense

Whether or not most Americans agree, there may be a multitude of lucid reasons why the United States should avoid a preemptive military strike against Iraq. Problem is, most arguments employed by anti-war pundits these days are at best unconvincing and at worst...

Casus Belli

Worldwide, leaders have announced that their support for the proposed American-led ouster of Iraq dictator Saddam Hussein hinges on President Bush making a compelling case for action. "That guy's evil" doesn't cut it with many of these heads of state, most of whom...

Israeli Arabs: Self-Declared Enemies?

Arabs in Israel have already been awarded full social and political equality. Despite these generous privileges, the majority of Arabs do not see themselves as disadvantaged citizens in a democracy, fighting for equality, but rather as partisan Palestinians temporarily living under Zionist occupation.

Israel Needs a Border, not a Fence

IN ITS MOST RECENT IMPOTENT attempt to put an end to the suicidal butchery arriving from the Palestinian territories, the Israeli government has proposed a fence that would run from the Salem checkpoint in the north to Kafr Qasem in the south, while another stretch of...

Michael Moore: A Real “Stupid White Man”

MICHAEL MOORE ISN'T YOUR AVERAGE MILLIONAIRE CELEBRITY. His oafish, disheveled appearance is both physically and intellectually disengaging, so much so that you might not take him very seriously. You should. Ostensibly, Moore exposes the hypocrisy and misconduct of...

The United Nation’s War Against Israel

In true U.N tradition, Annan ignores the action of gunmen that murder five-year old girls in cold blood, of teenage bombers programmed to indiscriminately kill Jews and of the Palestinian soldiers that cower in teeming population centers, allowing woman and children to suffer the consequences of their actions — all clear violations of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

The Purpose of a Palestinian State

The April 1 edition of Newsweek carried the ominous headline: How will Israel survive? Most of us thought we'd never have to hear the question again. But with psychopaths cashing in on Iraqi-sponsored life insurance policies at the expense of innocent Israeli...

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