Peter Brookes

Peter Brookes is a senior fellow for National Security Affairs at the Heritage Foundation.

Club For Dictators: The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)

Some see it as a NATO counterweight. Others call it a Club for Dictators - or at least near-dictators. Some consider it an anti-American stalking horse for Chinese and or Russian hegemony, with the potential to become "OPEC with nukes." Whatever: The Shanghai...

Europe’s Appeasing of Castro Prolongs tyranny

Last Thursday, the French embassy in Havana decided to invite Fidel Castro's communist cronies over to help celebrate France's Bastille Day -- a day similar in significance and symbolism to our Fourth of July.Shamefully, they expressly didn't invite any of Cuba's...

Venezuelan Dictator Hugo Chavez: Castro’s Mini-Me

  'One darned thing after another': That's how former Secretary of State Dean Acheson once defined foreign policy. The latest "darned thing" for the United States is Venezuelan Dictator Hugo Chavez. For no apparent reason, the leftist strongman is arming...

Terrorism Works Against “The Weak Man” of Asia

Once dubbed the "sick man of Asia" for its anemic showing during the 1980s Asian economic boom, the Philippines has now earned the title "weak man of Asia" -- by caving in to terrorist demands in exchange for the release of a Filipino truck driver in Iraq. By being...

Korean Conundrum: “Negotiating” with North Korea

Negotiating with North Korea is like banging your head on the wall: It feels so good when you stop. Well, here we go again. Representatives from the United States, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, China and Russia will meet for a second round of Six Party Talks in...

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