Institute for Justice

IJ litigates to limit the size and scope of government power and to ensure that all Americans have the right to control their own destinies as free and responsible members of society. Visit their website at
Paying Ransom for a Building Permit

Paying Ransom for a Building Permit

Seattle’s ironically-named ‘Housing Affordability’ law makes renovating a modest home prohibitively expensive for middle-income homeowners.

Orlando Couple Threatened with Severe Fines for Front Yard Vegetable Garden

“The Constitution provides protections for people like the Helvenstons who want to use their property in a peaceful, productive manner without arbitrary intrusion by the government,” said Ari Bargil, an attorney at the Institute for Justice, a public interest civil liberties law firm. “The City of Orlando is violating this most basic of rights by insisting that the Helvenstons destroy their vegetable garden or face severe fines.”

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