
Free Market Solutions to the Housing Crisis

The political, economic, and moral case for a free market in housing.

Real Estate: Dangers of Homeowner’s Associations

Real Estate: Dangers of Homeowner’s Associations

I have warned many times of the dangers of homeowner's associations (HOA's). As I speak around the nation on the subject of "Sustainable Development," an environmental term intended to disguise the elimination of property rights, inevitably someone from the audience...

Zoning and the The “New” Property Rights

Last Tuesday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled in the case of George Washington University v. District of Columbia, upholding the District's zoning restrictions on GW's land use. The case was by no means a landmark decision, yet the...

“Open Space” = Housing Ban

“Open Space” = Housing Ban

A black man waiting at a bus stop called to me as I was bicycling down the street: "You're the first black man I have seen over here in a long time." "It will be a long time before you see the next one," I said, and we both laughed. In a deeper sense, it was not...

An Old “New Vision” for “Affordable Housing”

An Old “New Vision” for “Affordable Housing”

Despite the fanfare of a televised speech at the National Press Club in Washington, a very old and hackneyed set of proposals was unveiled as a "new vision" for the creation of "affordable housing." The speech was by Richard Ravitch, co-chairman with former...

The “Rent Control” Housing Farce: Part II

The “Rent Control” Housing Farce: Part II

Too many people who talk about a lack of "affordable housing" seem to think that this is something the government must build or subsidize. It never seems to occur to them that government activity is itself one of the biggest reasons for housing being unaffordable. Nor...

The “Rent Control” Housing Farce: Part I

The “Rent Control” Housing Farce: Part I

A RECENTLY published housing study says: "San Francisco is one of the densest large cities in the U.S." That is true in both senses of the word "dense." Nowhere are San Franciscans more dense than when talking about housing -- especially that perennial will o' the...

Housing and Overpopulation: Shocked by the Obvious

Housing and Overpopulation: Shocked by the Obvious

The obvious makes headlines in California. Maybe this shows that a sense of reality or common sense is not something that can be taken for granted among Californians. A recent headline stretching across the top of the front page announced that "Population dwarfs...

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