Money & Banking

Argentina’s Rampant Inflation, Explained in One Chart

Whichever definition one prefers to use — an expansion of the money supply which leads to price increases, or a broad and sustained increase in consumer prices — inflation is caused by the governments and central banks who control the money supply.

The Federal Reserve: Promises vs Track Record

The Federal Reserve: Promises vs Track Record

The biggest deflation in the history of the country came after the Fed was founded, and that deflation contributed to the Great Depression of the 1930s. As for bank failures, they reached levels unheard of before there was a Federal Reserve System.

The Left’s New Straw Man: The Shareholder as Mafia Boss

The Left’s New Straw Man: The Shareholder as Mafia Boss

In a recent Washington Post op-ed, Harold Meyerson, an avowed socialist, compares corporations who buy back their own shares to Las Vegas mafia bosses who used to skim casino profits.  The basis for his smear is "a recent paper by J.W. Mason, an economist at the City...

A Parable on The Deception of Central Banking

A Parable on The Deception of Central Banking

Central banking requires that government bureaucrats act in a way to distort the entire economic system by introducing counterfeit credit into the monetary system in such a way that businessmen are continually fooled into acting in a way that mimics the behavior of businessmen operating in an actual economic boom.

A 1920-21 Recovery Myth

A 1920-21 Recovery Myth

The U.S. was able to recover relatively quickly from at least one deep slump despite authorities’ refusal to resort to either fiscal or monetary stimulus.

Free Banking and The Dollar

Free Banking and The Dollar

While I’m all for monetary freedom and competition, I’m also for reforming the U.S. dollar, which for me means freeing it from control by discretionary central bankers.

We Are All Free Banking Theorists Now*

We Are All Free Banking Theorists Now*

If even economists who’ve never heard of free banking, or who dismiss both it and the people who take it seriously, nevertheless subscribe to some free banking theories of their own, where do their theories come from?

Why is the Gold Standard Urgent?

Why is the Gold Standard Urgent?

After President Nixon’s gold default in 1971, many people advocated a return to the gold standard. One argument has been repeated: consumer prices are rising. While this is true, it wasn’t compelling in the 1970’s and it certainly doesn’t fire people up today. Rising...

The Wrong Idea About Inflation

The Wrong Idea About Inflation

I write often about inflation, and often emphasize that it is not about rising prices. It is important that we define our concepts correctly. Inflation is monetary counterfeiting. Here is a quick graph I made to underscore the point that although the quantity of...

William Jennings Bryan and the Founding of the Fed

William Jennings Bryan and the Founding of the Fed

William Jennings Bryan, the most stalwart enemy of both private currency and currency monopoly since Andrew Jackson, helped to create a currency monopoly far more powerful than any that Jackson could ever have envisaged, and far more capable of gratifying Wall Street, at the expense of the rest of the nation, than Wall Street alone, left perfectly free from government controls, could ever have devised.

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