Biden’s New Plan Threatens Health Coverage for More than Half a Million People

Biden’s proposal would eliminate consumer protections, throw sick patients out of their health insurance, and leave them to face sky-high medical bills without insurance for up to one year.

Nothing Less Than Victory

Nothing Less than Victory provocatively shows that aggressive, strategic military offenses can win wars and establish lasting peace, while defensive maneuvers have often led to prolonged carnage, indecision, and stalemate.

The Great Cloud of Disrepute

The Great Cloud of Disrepute

The top players who made the pandemic response happen are gradually being taken out of power and being replaced by people who believe the exact same things as their predecessors. And they have every stated intention of doing it all again, under whatever pretext. The great calamity is now the template for the future. 

Julian Assange and the War Against You

Julian Assange and the War Against You

The torture that Julian Assange has endured is not just an attack on his rights of free expression and journalism; it is an assault on your right to be an informed citizen.  The Biden administration looks to jail Assange for life because he exposed international crimes and corruption to the public for free.

How To Advocate for Capitalism

How To Advocate for Capitalism

Although it takes courage to challenge the majority view, advocates of capitalism need only two fundamentals in their arsenal: claiming the moral high ground and defining capitalism by essentials.

20 Grim Realities Unearthed by Lockdowns

20 Grim Realities Unearthed by Lockdowns

Both right and left betrayed their ideals. The right abandoned its affections for limited government, free enterprise, and the rule of law. And the left turned against its traditional stand for civil liberties, equal freedoms, and free speech.

Celebrating Adam Smith on His 300th Birthday

Celebrating Adam Smith on His 300th Birthday

Three hundred years ago, on June 5, 1723, one of the most important and influential thinkers in modern history, Adam Smith, was born in the small Scottish village of Kirkcaldy. There are few individuals who it can be said have left as lasting and as positive a legacy on humankind as Adam Smith.

Capitalism: Egoism For All

Capitalism: Egoism For All

It is revealing that capitalists are condemned for being egoistic, but customers and employees are not, even though they all look to profit in their own way.

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