Foreign Policy

A Pro-Capitalist Foreign Policy (Part 7 of 10)

In the present-day world, a procapitalist foreign policy is indistinguishable from a pro-American foreign policy.

Who Wants War?

Who Wants War?

Some pundits are saying that President Obama has been floundering in his response to the ISIS crisis because public opinion polls show most Americans don’t want another war.

Hold On, Mr. President

Hold On, Mr. President

The urge to “do something” is understandable. But Government can’t get domestic policy right. Don’t assume it gets foreign policy right.

A Cease Fire in Gaza Will Reward Hamas

A Cease Fire in Gaza Will Reward Hamas

When Hamas launches an attack on Israel, they know in advance that whatever Israel does in response will be limited by calls for a cease-fire, backed by political and economic pressures from the United States.

How Foreign Is Our Policy?

How Foreign Is Our Policy?

Most of Barack Obama’s foreign policy decisions since becoming president are consistent with this mindset. He has acted repeatedly as a citizen of the world, even though he was elected to be President of the United States.

Putin Parties Like It’s 1959

Putin Parties Like It’s 1959

The best thing America could do for the Ukraine, or any other victim of totalitarian repression, is to make the world safe for freedom, private property and individual rights.

Iran: Obama’s New Best Friend

Iran: Obama’s New Best Friend

Obama and John  Kerry have “struck a deal” with Iran. We’re now supposed to breathe easier. Because of this deal, we’re told, Iran will no longer be building nuclear weapons in order to destabilize the Middle East (translation: our oil supply) any more than it already...

The Ethics of War with Syria

America is not the world’s police and it ought to be unnecessary to have to declare let alone debate that an attack by the U.S. on Syria would be an outrage. But the Obama administration, backed by every major Democrat and Republican and largely by the press, too, is...

Serious About Syria?

Serious About Syria?

“Military action” is a polite phrase for killing people. It would be nice to believe that this has some larger purpose than saving Barack Obama from political embarrassment.

Historic Rescuers

Historic Rescuers

It is not really news that Victor Davis Hanson has written another outstanding and eye-opening book. He has done that before and repeatedly, on a variety of subjects. The subject of his latest book, "The Savior Generals" is given in the subtitle: "How Five Great...

Looking Back — and Forward

Looking Back — and Forward

Whatever Barack Obama’s words, his deeds have been directed less toward stopping Iran from going nuclear than they have been toward stopping Israel from stopping Iran from going nuclear.

Dictatorship? Not a Problem

According to The Wall Street Journal, Secretary of Defense nominee Chuck Hagel, during his hearings, had to backtrack on an especially embarrassing assertion that Iran's rulers are "legitimate" and "elected." Hagel would never have said these things if he didn't mean...

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