
Biden’s New Plan Threatens Health Coverage for More than Half a Million People

Biden’s proposal would eliminate consumer protections, throw sick patients out of their health insurance, and leave them to face sky-high medical bills without insurance for up to one year.

Dealing with Obamacare

Dealing with Obamacare

Seven years in the U.S. Army provided me with a rather useful education. On one occasion, at age 19, a few minutes after being admitted to an army hospital with strep throat and a fever of 104 degrees, I was told by a hospital orderly to get out of bed and sweep the...

Affordable Care Act Will Backfire

Affordable Care Act Will Backfire

Now that the Supreme Court has given its narrow blessing to the Affordable Care Act, the big question is whether it will deliver the benefits that its proponents promise. Unfortunately, as it is now constructed, the plan will backfire causing fewer healthy people to...

Does Stephen Hawking Owe His Life to the British NHS?

Does Stephen Hawking Owe His Life to the British NHS?

A reader in Great Britain defends national health care as follows: “The free market [under Obamacare] will still exist. We have private healthcare here as well as the National Health Service … The National Health Service does have its flaws but we probably wouldn't...

The Separation of Medicine and State

The Separation of Medicine and State

The federal government in general, and the Food and Drug Administration in particular, increasingly inject themselves into direct control of every medical practice. The FDA is aggressively moving past its lock on the approval of every medication and all medical...

Doctors for Socialized Medicine

Doctors for Socialized Medicine

This is perhaps my favorite line from Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged with regard to doctors who support, or tolerate, socialized medicine: “Let them discover, in the operating rooms and hospital wards, that it is not safe to place their lives in the hands of a man they...

Your Doctor is Now a Government Employee…Happy?

Your Doctor is Now a Government Employee…Happy?

Obama and advocates of socialized medicine have won. But have they, really? I was talking with a waitress I know just today. She asked me, "Can you explain, in terms that I'll understand, what Obamacare actually means -- to me?" I told her: "Imagine if you went to...

Legal Gimmickry Rescues Obamacare

Legal Gimmickry Rescues Obamacare

Despite the celebrations among Democrats, yesterday a majority of Supreme Court justices ruled that the Constitution does not allow the government to force Americans to buy health insurance. However in providing the swing vote to uphold the Affordable Care Act (aka...

The Redistribution of Your Health

The Redistribution of Your Health

For most of the history of our republic, the purpose of taxation was to provide funding for the functions of government that are basic and necessary. Decades ago we began to depart from that and move aggressively in another direction. The government is now using tax...

Dr. Orwell Will See You Now

Dr. Orwell Will See You Now

ObamaCare supporters are also selling a version of Orwell’s slogan, “Slavery is freedom,” by claiming that greater government controls over doctors will enhance their freedom to practice.

Asking the Government for Permission to Live

Asking the Government for Permission to Live

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has gone to court to prevent the Colorado-based firm Regenerative Sciences from using stem cells developed in one part of your body (bone marrow) to repair damage in other parts of your body, such as joints. The FDA objects to...

According to the FDA: Americans are Idiots

According to the FDA: Americans are Idiots

As an adult, have you ever been forced to eat or drink anything against your will?  Have you ever been coerced into eating a bacon cheeseburger and a mountain of fries? Have you ever been compelled to drink one more beer than you should? What you put into your mouth...

ObamaCare “Helps” Some at the Expense of Everyone

ObamaCare “Helps” Some at the Expense of Everyone

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi actually said this recently, in praise of ObamaCare: “You want to be a photographer or a writer or a musician, whatever -- an artist, you want to be self-employed, if you want to start a business, you want to change jobs, you no...

ObamaCare Phase One: Bring On the Freebies!

ObamaCare Phase One: Bring On the Freebies!

Like peeling back the layers of a rotted onion, the gradual impact of ObamaCare becomes more revealing by the day. The latest? Insurance companies who spend more than 20 percent on administrative costs will be forced, under the new law, to send rebates to...

The Food Police, Immigration, and a “Living Wage”

In August 2011, armed federal agents raided Rawsome Foods, a food cooperative in Venice, California. Agents seized computers, cash, and an estimated $70,000 worth of perishable food. The owner was arrested and charged on thirteen criminal counts. Was he selling...

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