
Immigration Can Ease America’s Labor Shortage

“As we have tried to erect a fortress, so have we managed to build a prison.” Instead of a prison, let’s build a bridge.

‘Diversity’ in Action

‘Diversity’ in Action

Europe is currently in the process of paying the price for years of importing millions of people from a culture hostile to the fundamental values of Western culture.

Open Immigration Policy

Dr. Yaron Brook, president of the Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights, calls for an open immigration policy, saying that the government’s only function should be to protect individual rights.

Immigration and The Welfare State

Immigration and The Welfare State

Most immigrants recognize that America is the land of opportunity. If we let enough in, perhaps their number will offset the growing number of the native born who simper that America is the land of entitlement.

Get Ready for Denials on Illegal Immigration

Get Ready for Denials on Illegal Immigration

If there is a terrorist attack through our southern border, will Americans allow President Obama, congressional Democrats, the news media and progressives and liberals to deny that their weak border security policy was responsible?

Patrolmen Without Borders

Patrolmen Without Borders

Even as the federal government fails to control the southern border, it sends the Border Patrol farther into the interior, where Americans complain that agents harass people who are already U.S. citizens.

Bordering on Madness

Bordering on Madness

Americans who gather to protest the high-handed way this administration has sneaked illegal immigrants into their communities can expect the race card to be played against them. The time is long overdue to stop being intimidated by such cheap — and dangerous — political tactics.

Loving and Hating America

Loving and Hating America

I’m wondering how the hate-America/blame-America-first crowd might explain the fact that so many people in the world, if they had a chance, would permanently relocate here. Maybe it’s that they haven’t been exposed to enough U.S. university professors.

Abstract Immigrants

Abstract Immigrants

Anything we try to do as regards immigration laws has to be done in the context of a huge welfare state that is already a major, inescapable fact of life.

Immigration Gambles: Part II

Immigration Gambles: Part II

Whose interests are immigration laws supposed to serve -- and whose interests do current immigration reform proposals actually serve? In order to have any immigration policy serve any purpose, the border must first be secured. Otherwise American immigration policy...

Immigration Gambles

Immigration Gambles

Britain's late Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said it all when she wrote that the world has "never ceased to be dangerous," but the West has "ceased to be vigilant." Nothing better illustrates her point than the fact that the West has imported vast numbers of people...

Obama’s Kind of Immigrants

Obama’s Kind of Immigrants

If America were a totally free country – with no entitlement state, no “progressive” taxation, no socialized medicine and no Barack Obama issuing extra-Constitutional executive orders by whim and at gunpoint – immigration would not be a threat. In a free country,...

An Interview with an Immigrant

An Interview with an Immigrant

The following interview was conducted with an immigrant from the Philippines and her fiance. Their names are not revealed because their situation has not been resolved. The interview reveals some of the difficulties experienced by those seeking to legally immigrate to...

The Tired, The Poor, and The Huddled Masses

The Tired, The Poor, and The Huddled Masses

Since 1886, the Statue of Liberty has stood in New York Harbor as a beacon to individuals from around the world seeking the freedom to live their lives as they choose. On the pedestal of the statue is a plaque with the sonnet “The New Colossus”: Not like the brazen...

Obama's Kind of Immigrants

Obama's Kind of Immigrants reports: Illegal immigration costs Arizona $1.6 billion a year – a staggering 19 percent of the state’s budget – Gov. Jan Brewer said in an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV, adding that the Obama administration is turning a blind eye...

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