
The Meaning Behind Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” Speech

On Martin Luther King Day–and every day–we should focus on the antidote to racism and alternative to racial thinking: individualism.

Race-Hustling Results: Washington Redskins and “White Guilt”

Race-Hustling Results: Washington Redskins and “White Guilt”

The blind and dishonest political correctness of our media and educational institutions on racial issues today can eventually forfeit the confidence of Americans and give similar extremist groups their chance to ignite a race war in the United States. And once a race war starts, it can be virtually impossible to stop.

Race-Hustling Results

Race-Hustling Results

Some people try to explain why Asians, and Asian-Americans, succeed so well in education and in the economy by some special characteristics that they have. That may be true, but their success may also be due to what they do not have — namely “leaders” who tell them that the deck is so stacked against them that they cannot rise, or at least not without depending on “leaders.”

Racial Trade-offs: Part II

I can’t imagine what black politicians and civil rights groups are getting that’s worth condemning black youths to a high rate of unemployment and its devastating effects on upward economic mobility, but then again, I’m not a politician.

Racial Trade-offs

Trade-offs apply to our economic lives, as well as our political lives. That means getting more of one thing requires giving up something else. Let's look at some examples. Black congressmen and black public officials in general, including Barack Obama, always side...

A Poignant Anniversary

A Poignant Anniversary

The 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, and of the Reverend Martin Luther King’s memorable “I have a dream” speech, is a time for reflections — some inspiring, and some painful and ominous.

Progressives Against Blacks

Progressives Against Blacks

In sports, when have you heard a coach explain or excuse a black player’s poor performance by blaming it on a “legacy of slavery” or on that player’s being raised in a single-parent household?

Black Self-Sabotage

Each year, roughly 7,000 blacks are murdered. Ninety-four percent of the time, the murderer is another black person. There are no such protests against the thousands of black murders.

Profiling for Crime: Who Is Too Blame?

Profiling for Crime: Who Is Too Blame?

A law-abiding black person denied a taxi is rightfully angered, but to whom should his anger be directed, at the driver who’s trying to protect his life or at the people who’ve instilled fear by robbing and assaulting cabbies?

Does Opposing Obama Make You a Racist?

The most frequent thing I have been called for opposing Barack Obama's policies is a "racist." Many of my readers tell me the same thing. What is a racist, exactly? One definition I found cited by Wikipedia strikes me as a good one: "Racism is usually defined as...

America’s New Entitlement Monarchy

(A reader of mine from Germany writes) Dear Dr. Hurd: The worker who earns only a small amount of money should pay no taxes, but his premiums for health insurance, pension insurance, unemployment insurance and long term nursery insurance. The wealthy people should pay...

Honest Examination of Race

One definition given for insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results; it might also be a definition of stupidity. Let's look at some cities where large percentages of black Americans live under poor conditions. Experiencing a...

Genes and Racism

Genes and Racism

During decades of watching both collegiate and professional football, I have seen hundreds of touchdowns scored by black players -- but not one extra point kicked by a black player. Is this because blacks are genetically incapable of kicking a football or because...

Multiculturalism Lunacy and Minority Student Needs

Quack multiculturalism is the name Frisby gives to the vision of multiculturalism that promotes the falsehoods and distortions that dominate today’s college agenda, sold under various names such as “valuing diversity,” “being sensitive to cultural differences” and “cultural competence.”

Black Unemployment

In some cities, unemployment for black working-age males is more than 50 percent. Let’s look at this, but first let’s look at some history.

Intellectuals and Race (Part 4 of 4)

Intellectuals and Race (Part 4 of 4)

Among the many irrational ideas about racial and ethnic groups that have polarized societies over the centuries and around the world, few have been more irrational and counterproductive than the current dogmas of multiculturalism. Intellectuals who imagine that they...

Intellectuals and Race (Part 3 of 4)

Intellectuals and Race (Part 3 of 4)

The theory of genetic determinism which dominated the early 20th century led to many harmful consequences, ranging from racial segregation and discrimination up to and including the Holocaust. The currently prevailing theory is that malice of one sort or another explains group differences in outcomes.

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