
Why Do Islamic Jihad and Hamas Fire Rockets From “Safe Zones” for Palestinian Families?

Every time a Palestinian or Israeli civilian is killed, Hamas wins. That’s why they use children and women as human shields. That’s why they boast that their civilians love death in the way Israelis love life. That is why Islamic jihad fires rockets from areas near hospitals.

The Source of Al Qaeda Terrorism: Saudi Arabia

The newest source of tension in the increasingly strained Saudi-American relationship is the revelation that nearly two-thirds of the 158 Al Qaeda terrorists being held at Guantanamo are citizens of Saudi Arabia. Prince Nayef, the Saudi interior minister, is demanding...

Early Warning Signals: Bin Laden Before Sept. 11th

This article was first published as "Bin Laden and Herndon, Virginia" in the The Jerusalem Post (June 20, 2001). Unfortunately, no one listened to its dire warning until after September 11th.--Editor Islamist terrorism has afflicted nearly every Western country and is...

Surprise! It Really is a World War on Terrorism

The prospect of war between India and Pakistan shows how profoundly things have changed since Sept. 11. "From this day forward," President Bush announced just days after the attack, "any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the...

Tolerance for Terrorists?

Tolerance for Terrorists?

How many times in the last several weeks have you heard or read sentences that begin, “If we’ve learned nothing else since Sept. 11, we’ve learned …?”

A Purple Heart for Dan Rather? Not!

Will Dan Rather please shut up? The veteran teleprompter reader for CBS News wants Americans to know that when he sits behind his hollow anchor desk, he isn't just warming a chair. Rather actually fancies himself fighting on the front lines against terrorism. Under...

On Sept 11: Open Letter to University Students

The events of September 11 have been the primary subject of discussion on college campuses across America. A patriotic fervor has been revived, with flags popping up in virtually every yard and on every car. However, after reading the editorials that appeared in last...

Bioterrorism: Don’t Worry, Be Happy!

Here is the surest way for government officials to stoke nationwide fear about bioterrorism in this country: Treat the American public like children. Public-health bureaucrats have grown smugly accustomed to telling us what we should think -- instead of what we should...

Pacificism Empowers Terrorism

In the weeks following the 11 September attack, organizations across the nation-- especially on college campuses--have gathered to rally in support of Adolf Hitler. They've posted signs, handed-out leaflets, and written editorials proclaiming their steadfast support....

An American Peace: How to Win the War Against Terrorism

After over twenty years of unpunished terrorist violence against American servicemen and civilians that culminated in a September 11th attack on the Pentagon and World Trade Center more destructive than Pearl Harbor, the Bush administration has declared a world war...

How the New “Tolerance” Helps Sanction Terrorism

On the eleventh of September, terrorists killed thousands of civilians and leveled the most prominent structure in New York's majestic skyline, but they did not declare war on the United States that day. They'd done that decades ago. In response, Americans have...

Understanding Terrorism

Statement of former Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu before the Government Reform Committee, September 20, 2001: Chairman Burton, Distinguished Representatives, I want to thank you for inviting me to appear before you today. I feel a profound responsibility addressing...

A New Yorker Remembers the World Trade Center

"That particular sense of sacred rapture men say they experience in contemplating nature- I've never received it from nature, only from. Buildings, Skyscrapers. I would give the greatest sunset in the world for one sight of New York's skyline. The shapes and the...

A Declaration of War Against Terrorism

A Declaration of War Against Terrorism

On December 7, 1941, America was the target of an unprovoked, unmitigated and unjustified attack that left thousands dead and many more wounded. Americans understood the meaning of this day of infamy and responded appropriately--the sleeping giant was awakened. War...

A Necessary Response to the Attacks of Sept 11th

The worst mistake that the United States could now commit is an insufficient retaliation against the Islamic terrorist world. This is a real concern because Americans have a sorry history of failing to commit to the destruction of our enemies. Indeed thousands of...

How To Make a Real War on Terrorism

In the past, the United States has always tried to be "proportional" in its response to terrorism. A terrorist group blows up a U.S. embassy somewhere, and we make a measured response: We blow up a terrorist training base or we hit a bomb factory. And that, we say, is...

How To Make a Real War on Terrorism

In the past, the United States has always tried to be "proportional" in its response to terrorism. A terrorist group blows up a U.S. embassy somewhere, and we make a measured response: We blow up a terrorist training base or we hit a bomb factory. And that, we say, is...

Environmentalism and Eco-Terrorism

Environmentalism and Eco-Terrorism

Radical environmentalists are believed to be behind the recent (Aug. 2, 1998) bombing of two sour gas wells in Beaverlodge, Alberta. Luckily, nobody was hurt and only a small amount of deadly gas was released before automatic shut-off valves kicked in.According to a...

Fanning the Flames of Terrorism

By: Leonard Peikoff and Andrew Lewis The recent attacks on American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were a bloody reminder of the threat posed by terrorists. Almost all commentators and politicians hailed America's swift response as a positive step. In fact, however,...

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