A Response to Elizabeth Warren’s Fascist Plan To Break Up Successful Tech Companies
Our Planet Is Not Fragile: Sorry AOC, The World Will Not End in 12 Years
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claims that “the world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change.”
How To Be a Climate Thinker
Climate Change and the Power of Scaremongering
The New York Times and the scientists it cites in “U.S. Climate Report Warns of Damaged Environment and Shrinking Economy” (11/23/18), either do not understand simple mathematics, or rely on the ignorance of their readers to create a silly scaremongering headline over...
“Climate-Change Compensation” From Oil Companies Is Immoral
The values the oil companies provide far outweigh negative consequences of fossil fuel production.
The Power of Compounding and the Power of Scaremongering
The New York Times and the scientists it cites in “U.S. Climate Report Warns of Damaged Environment and Shrinking Economy”, either do not understand simple mathematics, or rely on the ignorance of their readers to create a silly scaremongering headline over an absurd statistic.
The Lame-Duck Carbon Tax Lob
A carbon tax with a realistic possibility of being signed into law, would not be the revenue-neutral, regulation-busting efficient solution that libertarian and conservative tax advocates desire. The political forces on the left want no part of an even nominally market-based solution.
There Are No Natural Resources
The human mind is the ultimate resource because it, and only it, creates all of the other economically valuable inputs that we call “resources.”
Social Media Bias II
When social media platforms only pick certain politically disfavored positions to add Wiki links to, they skew debate.
The Social Cost of Carbon: Considerations and Disagreements in Climate Economics
In performing cost-benefit analyses our government has a responsibility to present the fullest view to the public that is possible. In the context of climate change, that means exploring the social cost of carbon at a wide range of discount rates, on a diversity of time horizons, and showing both the domestic and the global consequences.
Social Media Trickery
I’m glad Twitter purges robots and Facebook bans posts that call for direct violence (that’s illegal, after all). But I worry when big media companies start policing content.
What is a ‘Rational’ Climate Policy?
Taking taxpayers’ money and allocating it to fighting climate change, the causes of which are complex, is not rational but irrational climate policy.
The D.C. Carbon Tax Comedy of Errors
What is critical, however, in rebutting the proposals is to parse the disparate, inchoate elements from one another, drawing attention to the ever-shifting justifications carbon tax advocates offer.
FCC Ends The Net Neutrality Attack on Internet Freedom
Regulating public utilities to be “neutral” has led to ever-escalating prices and poor service (think of postal services and roads), due to inefficient operations and the lack of incentives—competition—to lower costs and to improve service.
Wither Post-Carbon Economy?
Why are businesses not gearing up for the post-carbon economy?
The Solar Value Cliff: The Diminishing Value of Solar Power
“More solar penetration in places like California will lead to an outcome no one wants: a less reliable electricity grid.”
“Pittsburgh, Not Paris”
Donald Trump opened himself up to mockery with his “Pittsburgh, not Paris” remark, but the Paris Agreement’s supporters have very little to offer beyond the level of “gotcha” jabs.
The Truth About Climate Change
Is nature’s inherent dynamism responsible for the climate change of our era? Or are the cause(s) man-made?
Withdrawing From the Paris Climate Agreement Is the Right Call
The Paris Agreement surrenders our political independence and stifles global energy development that benefits people across the planet.
Schemes to Sweeten Carbon Tax Can’t Mask Its Bitter Taste
A carbon tax—by design—will cause energy costs to soar.
Video: The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels
“Mankind’s use of fossil fuels is supremely virtuous—because human life is the standard of value and because using fossil fuels transforms our environment to make it wonderful for human life.”
Taking The Moral High Ground Against Environmentalist Groups
Only by recognizing the moral value of its work, can business stand up and defend itself like Resolute Forest Products has done.
In Defense of the Automobile: Automobiles Are A Solution, Not A Scourge
It is critical to robust intellectual discussion of modern human life to acknowledge and celebrate the liberating role that the automobile has played in making this the greatest era in history for human flourishing.
Trudeau’s Illogical Leap on Climate Change
Governments’ use of force to curtail CO2 emissions is not only futile—it undermines freedom of business and of the rest of us, and therefore, human prosperity and flourishing.
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