Capitalists on the Moon

The essence of Jacobin Magazine’s argument is that it isn’t fair that some get to enjoy things most of us can’t afford. If everyone can’t enjoy luxuries, then nobody should be allowed to. This is an example of what Ayn Rand called “hatred of the good for being the good.”

Climate Change and the Power of Scaremongering

Climate Change and the Power of Scaremongering

The New York Times and the scientists it cites in “U.S. Climate Report Warns of Damaged Environment and Shrinking Economy” (11/23/18), either do not understand simple mathematics, or rely on the ignorance of their readers to create a silly scaremongering headline over...

The Power of Compounding and the Power of Scaremongering

The Power of Compounding and the Power of Scaremongering

The New York Times and the scientists it cites in “U.S. Climate Report Warns of Damaged Environment and Shrinking Economy”, either do not understand simple mathematics, or rely on the ignorance of their readers to create a silly scaremongering headline over an absurd statistic.

The Lame-Duck Carbon Tax Lob

The Lame-Duck Carbon Tax Lob

A carbon tax with a realistic possibility of being signed into law, would not be the revenue-neutral, regulation-busting efficient solution that libertarian and conservative tax advocates desire. The political forces on the left want no part of an even nominally market-based solution.

Social Media Trickery

Social Media Trickery

I’m glad Twitter purges robots and Facebook bans posts that call for direct violence (that’s illegal, after all). But I worry when big media companies start policing content.

The D.C. Carbon Tax Comedy of Errors

The D.C. Carbon Tax Comedy of Errors

What is critical, however, in rebutting the proposals is to parse the disparate, inchoate elements from one another, drawing attention to the ever-shifting justifications carbon tax advocates offer.

“Pittsburgh, Not Paris”

“Pittsburgh, Not Paris”

Donald Trump opened himself up to mockery with his “Pittsburgh, not Paris” remark, but the Paris Agreement’s supporters have very little to offer beyond the level of “gotcha” jabs.

Video: The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels

“Mankind’s use of fossil fuels is supremely virtuous—because human life is the standard of value and because using fossil fuels transforms our environment to make it wonderful for human life.”

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