
What Was The Real Ayn Rand Like?

Peikoff offers personal insights into the real Ayn Rand—the thinker, the artist, the teacher, the passionate valuer of the best within man.

How Lithuania Helped Take Down The Soviet Union

How Lithuania Helped Take Down The Soviet Union

The Lithuanians had been at the vanguard in the movement for freedom in the Soviet Union. They had elected a non-communist government in free elections, had declared their national independence from Soviet rule, and strongly affirmed their intention of reversing a half-century of socialist central planning through privatization and free market reforms.

A Beautiful Epitaph

A Beautiful Epitaph

While reading “The Great Bridge: The Epic Story of the Building of the Brooklyn Bridge” by David McCullough, I came across a passage referring to the death of Emily Roebling, the wife of Washington Roebling, that I found particularly poignant.

The Berlin Wall and the Spirit of Freedom

The Berlin Wall and the Spirit of Freedom

The history of the Berlin Wall and the collectivist ideology behind it should remind us of how important a loss of any of our freedom can be as we determine in what direction – toward greater individual freedom and free enterprise or more government command and control – we wish our country to move in the 21st century.

Capitalism is Good in Theory and in Practice

Capitalism is Good in Theory and in Practice

Upon hearing an argument for capitalism, many respond, “That is good in theory, but it would never work in real life.” Such a statement is wrong in both theory and in practice. (And it is actually an example of a fundamental philosophical error–the mind/body...

Visiting Nixon’s Birthplace

Visiting Nixon’s Birthplace

“I was born in a house my father built.” So said Richard Nixon (1913-1994) about his birthplace in Orange County, California. A recent visit to the home, located on the grounds of the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum, and museum (which opened in 1990 with...

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