
Christmas Should Be More Commercial

It is time to take the Christ out of Christmas, and turn the holiday into a guiltlessly egoistic, pro-reason, this-worldly, commercial celebration.

On The Rise of Islamic Rule in Turkey

On The Rise of Islamic Rule in Turkey

Any “interpretation” of Islam that is consistent with the Koran as a revealed, unquestioned authority will end in a reversion to its brute, fundamental meaning: the subordination of women and non-Muslims to dictatorial rule by a clerical elite.

The Meaning of Jihad

The Meaning of Jihad

To counter such mystically motivated fanatics, we who wish to uphold reason, civilization, and individual rights must understand our own case thoroughly and oppose the forces of the dark ages with forthright conviction.

Thank You

Thank You

Most are thankful to God. I am thankful to man — specifically, to those individuals who (over the centuries) have created the countless things I need for survival and enjoyment.

Ashland University Reenters the Dark Ages

Ashland University Reenters the Dark Ages

Yesterday, The Chronicle of Higher Education reported on Dr. John Lewis' recent travails at Ashland University (subscription required). For those who are unaware, here is a brief recap: After initially denying Lewis tenure this spring because Lewis supports Ayn Rand's...

Pope Benedict the Deeply Mistaken

When the Koran or a Mullah asks followers to subjugate or kill those who do not uphold the ideas of Islam, the line from civilized dialogue to rule by force is crossed. Someone who is required to "accept" Islam at the point of a gun has not made a moral choice. Those...

The Pope vs. Islam

The Pope vs. Islam

The Muslim world is storming in violent outrage against the Pope's recent quoting of a 14th Century emperor of the Byzantine Empire. A NY Times editorial says: "The pope quoted the emperor saying, 'Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will...

The Islamist Threat To Civilization

The Islamist Threat To Civilization

In reacting to the Islamists’ ongoing cartoon Jihad, most commentators have focused on the issue of free speech. This is natural, and necessary, since eradication of free speech is the most immediate risk; and certainly without free speech there can be no defending...

Religious Terrorism vs. Free Speech

Religious Terrorism vs. Free Speech

Ayatollah Khomeni’s attack on Salman Rushdie and his publishers represents religious terrorism. Americans oppose the Ayatollah’s death-decree, but our government is doing nothing to combat it.

“God’s Land”

Some of the most interesting aspects of the war against terrorism are found not in coverage about the war in Iraq, but from coverage of talk in the United States. Consider this recent news report: Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson suggested Thursday that Israeli...

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