
Dealing with Deadly Shootings

Our citizens are justifiably sickened and infuriated by so many deadly shootings.

The Hollywood Left on Guns

The Hollywood Left on Guns

With the Academy Awards behind us, we now turn our attention to the SAP Awards, honoring the biggest Second Amendment Phony. And the nominees are: -- "The West Wing." In a recent episode, President Josiah Bartlet, played by Martin Sheen, pronounced the Second...

Guns in the Hands of Private Citizens Make Us All Safer

Guns in the Hands of Private Citizens Make Us All Safer

For the gun controllers, the year gone by was bleak. As 2001 began, their lawsuits against gun manufacturers were being dismissed in one city after another. An attorney general nominee they bitterly opposed was confirmed. Soon after, he wrote to the National Rifle...

Teachers, Guns, and Zero-Tolerance Tyranny

Teachers, Guns, and Zero-Tolerance Tyranny

When the new school year begins, Deena Esteban will not be among the legions of educators welcoming students back to class. That's because Mrs. Esteban, a 43-year-old art teacher in Prince William County, Va., lost the job she loved after being convicted of a felony...

Guns, Kids, and Condoms

Guns, Kids, and Condoms

Let us, for a moment, take the sex-education pushers at their word: If you teach a child how to use a condom, you're promoting safety -- not usage.That's what a new review of sex-ed curricula claims. "The overwhelming weight of evidence shows that sex education that...

W. Wimps Out on Guns

W. Wimps Out on Guns

The "Million" Mom March fell about 999,800 bodies short this year. Rosie O'Donnell, a leading anti-gun loudmouth who emceed last year's march and later sought armed security guards for her own children, was a no-show at the pathetically attended protest in Washington,...

Kids and Guns

Kids and Guns

Every time there's a school shooting, there are demands for greater gun control measures that range from longer waiting periods and mandated gun locks to stricter licensing and restricted sales. With all the political posturing and demagoguery that follows, a...

More Guns, Less Crime?

More Guns, Less Crime?

In response to the tragic shootings at Columbine High School and the Los Angeles JCC, the relation of gun availability to violent crime has been furiously debated in the media. One highly visible scholar in the media debate is economist and social scientist, John...

The Perils of Gun Ownership?

The Perils of Gun Ownership?

1. Ted Kennedy, Rosie O'Donnell, Charles Schumer, and Barbara Boxer strongly denounce private gun ownership. However, their bodyguards carry:A. Toy guns with trigger locks B. A tape recorded message that says "Boo!" C. CandyD. Slingshots E. Very heavy purses2. You and...

Bad Ideas, Not Guns, Kill People

Bad Ideas, Not Guns, Kill People

Families of Columbine High School shooting victims plan to sue the gun manufacturers. I have a better idea. Why don't we sue the public schools? If not financially -- then at least morally. Guns and bullets don't kill people; bad ideas do. Unhealthy ideas make twisted...

Limits on Guns

Limits on Guns

Question: In a proper society, individuals surrender to government the right to the use of retaliatory force. How does this line of reasoning applies to gun control. If it is moral and hence legal to own a weapon that can kill many quickly, where and what reasoning...

Did Britain’s anti-gun laws save ex-Beatle Harrison?

Did Britain’s anti-gun laws save ex-Beatle Harrison?

"Thank 'My Sweet L-rd' For Gun Laws." A major newspaper opinion piece led with that headline. Ex-Beatle George Harrison, maintains the columnist, remains alive today only because of England's tough anti-gun laws. A few weeks ago, an apparently deranged man entered...

Horowitz: Guns Don’t Kill Black People, Other Blacks Do

Horowitz: Guns Don’t Kill Black People, Other Blacks Do

"So many racists, so little time." Black Time magazine editor Jack E. White fired that shot at David Horowitz, the "conservative" head of an organization called The Center for the Study of Popular Culture. And get a load of White's headline: "A Real, Live Bigot."...

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