How To Celebrate Ayn Rand’s Birthday

February 2nd is the birthday of Ayn Rand, the author of Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead. Ayn Rand developed and defended Objectivism, a philosophy that advocates “rational selfishness.”

Walter E. Williams 1936-2020

Walter E. Williams 1936-2020

Walter Williams (1936-2020) “was my best friend for half a century. There was no one I trusted more or whose integrity I respected more.” – Thomas Sowell

Private Property’s Harvest

Private Property’s Harvest

Yes, we’ve got the pandemic, lockdowns, a worsening deficit, etc. But we still live in a relatively free country at the most prosperous time in human history.

Reflecting On Communism After 103 Years

Reflecting On Communism After 103 Years

November 7th marks the 103rd anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution, where Communist revolutionaries overthrew the czarist government of Russia, eventually leading to the establishment of the Soviet Union.

Fatherless Households: A National Crisis

Fatherless Households: A National Crisis

If protesters are truly concerned about the condition of Black and Hispanic urban Americans in particular, why the pathetic silence over the fatherless households, the principal reason for the very conditions they complain about?

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