
What if the First Great Age of Globalization Began 100 Years Earlier?

The first age of globalization could have started much earlier had it not been for trade policies. How much earlier? At least a century, which means somewhere in the mid-18th century.

Trade Deficits Are Only Dangerous When Caused By Government

Trade Deficits Are Only Dangerous When Caused By Government

Governments have sold their bonds to fund vote-buying welfare state spending, or expanding bureaucracies with loyal supporters of power-hungry politicians, or on delusional dreams of military power, or colossal public works projects hailing the greatness of the dictatorial or democratically elected leader.

Globalization Faces Challenges

Globalization Faces Challenges

Those countries that embrace free trade with new technologies stand to reap great rewards. Those who do not, and revert to trade protectionism, could experience economic recession and monetary adversity accompanied by serious social and financial upheaval.

The Most Common Error in Economic Debates

The Most Common Error in Economic Debates

Have you ever been in an argument about whether we should raise taxes and then someone tosses out a real whopper? “The top tax rate for decades after World War II was over 90% and look how the economy boomed!” Or perhaps you read a Paul Krugman column where he said...

The Only "Fair" Trade is Free Trade

In a recent defense of what he calls "fair trade," Barack Obama stated that one major purpose of trade agreements is to ensure that American products are made at home -- not bought from other countries. No such thing is true. The purpose of any trade agreement should...

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