
The Pot Calling the Kettle Black

Special interest groups and big donors make campaign contributions because they believe that the candidate will support legislation favorable to them and their agenda.

The Election’s Bearing on Monetary Freedom

The Election’s Bearing on Monetary Freedom

The sad reality is that the battle for monetary freedom has for some time now taken the form of a rearguard action, aimed at resisting as much as possible ever-increasing government incursions into an ever-shrinking realm of financial choice.

The Hubris of the Political Power-Lusting “Leaders”

The Hubris of the Political Power-Lusting “Leaders”

The friends of freedom must remind their fellow citizens that the only fundamental political question in any election is whether or not those running for political office unswervingly declare their allegiance to the philosophy of individual rights to life, liberty and property and its accompanying social system of free market capitalism?

Grow Up Donald Trump!

It is amazing how many people have been oblivious to this middle-aged man’s spoiled brat behavior, his childish boastfulness about things he says he is going to do, and his petulant response to every criticism with ad hominem replies.

Middle of The Road GOP Establishment is a Victim of Its Own Lack of Spine

Middle of The Road GOP Establishment is a Victim of Its Own Lack of Spine

The GOP Establishment seems to love nothing more than being liked and accepted by their morally tiny little socialist colleagues who control the agenda and the levers of power in our nation’s capital, not to mention much of academia and the media. In their hearts, they all seem to know that Bernie Sanders is–on their premises, at least–right.

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