
The Pot Calling the Kettle Black

Special interest groups and big donors make campaign contributions because they believe that the candidate will support legislation favorable to them and their agenda.

Campaign Finance Limits Violate Free Speech

Earlier this year President Bush risked the lives of American military personnel to end Iraq's tyrannical regime--a dictatorship that not only restricted the actions of Iraqis but also silenced them from speaking their mind. It is ironic that President Bush led...

California’s Real Elections

California’s Real Elections

Arnold Schwarzenegger has made a big splash in the media by entering the California governor's race. But the real news out of California came a few days before Arnold's political bombshell. The latest census data show -- for the first time -- that more Californians...

Tax Day Should Also Be Election Day

April 15 is like a national holiday for conservatives. It is the one day each year when Americans are forced to think about the cost of government. That is why many conservatives have long thought that tax day should also be Election Day. A review of polling data on...

The Election We Deserve

As of the writing of this column, it is mid-day on Nov. 5, and the exit polls have not even begun to predict how today's elections will end. It might seem like a bad time to make predictions, given that this is considered one of the tightest congressional contests in...

High Stakes Elections and Voter Turnout

High Stakes Elections and Voter Turnout

During election years, people in the media seem to be forever lamenting the fact that millions of Americans who are eligible to vote do not in fact go to the polls. When speculating as to why those people don't vote, the media often assume that there is something...

Campaign Finances and Corruption

In one of the great ironies of contemporary politics, Congress [last month] passed an economic "stimulus" package the day after the recession was declared to be over. Obviously, the legislators didn't really care about stimulating the economy, which had already...

Campaign Finance Reform Diversions

There's a story about Catholic priests who contracted to have a new church built for their congregation. When the church was completed, and just before the priests came for their final inspection, the contractor cemented a Buddhist statue in the center of the altar....

“Campaign Finance Reform” Regulates Free Speech

“Campaign Finance Reform” Regulates Free Speech

The Enron scandal was welcomed like an unexpected Christmas present by Democrats who, together with much of the media, have tried to tie the scandal to the Bush administration. However, as more and more information has come out about Enron, it has become clear that...

Top Ten Myths About Campaign Finance Reform

Myth #1: "Shays-Meehan is constitutional." Any bill that attempts to "equalize" citizens' political speech through criminal and civil penalties for "excessive" or "unfair" speech violates the First Amendment, which provides in plain terms that "Congress shall make no...

Campaign Finance Reform: Wrong Target

SEN. JOHN MCCAIN, R-Ariz., makes a lot of political hay portraying himself as the hero for campaign finance reform and against influence-peddling. He's for restrictions on the "soft money" millions that flow into the campaign coffers of the Republican and Democratic...

The Facts vs. “Campaign Finance Reform” Fictions

The Facts vs. “Campaign Finance Reform” Fictions

To crusaders for "campaign finance reform," as with many other political crusaders, the facts simply do not matter. What matters is their vision -- and winning. Facts can be left to others. Most of the arguments for campaign finance reform cannot stand up to the...

Campaign Finance Reform and Other “Feel Good” Laws

Campaign Finance Reform and Other “Feel Good” Laws

It is not often that conservative talk-show host extraordinaire Rush Limbaugh and Harlem's left-wing Congressman Charles Rangel are in agreement on anything. But they both say that the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform bill, which has just passed the Senate to...

Campaign Finance Reform: Wrong Target

SEN. JOHN MCCAIN, R-Ariz., makes a lot of political hay portraying himself as the hero for campaign finance reform and against influence-peddling. He's for restrictions on the "soft money" millions that flow into the campaign coffers of the Republican and Democratic...

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