Capitalists on the Moon

The essence of Jacobin Magazine’s argument is that it isn’t fair that some get to enjoy things most of us can’t afford. If everyone can’t enjoy luxuries, then nobody should be allowed to. This is an example of what Ayn Rand called “hatred of the good for being the good.”

On Skepticism of Covid-19 Vaccines

On Skepticism of Covid-19 Vaccines

Vaccination against Covid is today insisted upon with the same fervor that religious zealots centuries ago exhibited when insisting upon the truths of their particular dogmas. If governments and public-health officials are looking for people to blame for vaccine hesitancy, they need only look in the mirror.

Net-Zero Emission Targets?

Net-Zero Emission Targets?

There is an alternative strategy for businesses to deal with climate change: one that is based on facts and human wellbeing (as opposed to no human impact on the planet) as the standard.

California Oil Spill

California Oil Spill

The oil spill in Southern California, very near where I live, is being used (abused) to call for anti-oil policies, including a ban on California offshore drilling. Here are my talking points on what actually happened and what the proper response is.

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