
Why America Is Going Green

America is replacing fossil energy with green energy, but not to save the planet.

Greenpeace’s Campaign Against Human Flourishing

Greenpeace’s Campaign Against Human Flourishing

It is Greenpeace that we should watch and call out on, exposing its propaganda and plans to destroy human well-being. It is companies like Shell and Lego that we should defend and thank for providing us not only necessities of life but products that make our lives more comfortable and enjoyable.

Earth Daze

Earth Daze

This Earth Day, instead of attacking those who sell fossil fuels, I will applaud them for overcoming constant environmental hysteria — while providing affordable energy that will allow us to fight poverty, which is the real threat to the people of the world.

Our Fragile Planet

Our Fragile Planet

With the decline of the USSR, communism has lost considerable respectability and is now repackaged as environmentalism and progressivism.

No Impact Man

No Impact Man

University of Calgary, my employer, recently announced that this year it will require all newly-admitted students to read “No Impact Man,” the New York-based author Colin Beavan’s account of living for a year in Manhattan in an effort to strive for “zero environmental...

The EPA’s RRP Rule isn’t About Safety

The EPA’s RRP Rule isn’t About Safety

I wrote this in May 2010. It remains relevant. On April 22, 2010 an EPA regulation governing renovation, repair, and painting (RRP) took effect. The regulation governs any activity that will disturb paint containing lead and applies to all homes built before 1978 and...

The “Limits” of Economic Progress

The “Limits” of Economic Progress

A few weeks ago I caught a portion of a radio program in which a commentator argued that economic progress has limits.  He used a hamster as an example: For the first few weeks of his life, a hamster doubles in size each week. If he did this for a year, he would...

What The "Green" in the Green Movement Stands For

What The "Green" in the Green Movement Stands For

The U.N. has proposed that $2 trillion per year be provided to them to ensure the development of "green technologies" over the next 40 years. Failure to let the U.N. do this, according to them, will result in the end of the world as we know it. "Green" technologies...

Green Energy Fantasy

Green Energy Fantasy

If we want to restore economic growth and reduce our vulnerability to the elements, what we need is not “green energy” forced upon us by government coercion but real energy delivered on a free market.

Religion Turns Green

Religion Turns Green

It's remarkable how you can do more and more things online. Paying bills, for example, can be "paperless." With the stroke of a few computer keys, you can pay all your bills without the use of mail, paper or pens. The self-consciously "green" love to brag about how...

A Free Market in Water

A Free Market in Water

Houston–where I live–has been under a severe drought. This year, we have received about one-third of our normal rainfall. In response, the city has enacted water rationing and citizens will be fined if they violate the restrictions. At the same time, the city reports...

Obama’s Cap-and-Trade: Lifeline or Noose?

Obama’s Cap-and-Trade: Lifeline or Noose?

Throughout his presidential campaign, Barack Obama pledged to address the "crisis" of anthropogenic global warming. Since taking office his cabinet appointments and policy initiatives have not disappointed those who believe such a crisis exists and that America should...

Environmentalism vs Creativity

Environmentalism vs Creativity

It’s businesspeople, not “Friends of the Earth,” who, by translating scientific discoveries into practical reality, actually advance human life and eliminate pollution.

The Earth is Mankind’s Garden

The Earth is Mankind’s Garden

If the welfare of human life was the standard by which we judged industry and technology, there would be no reason to have a day like "Earth Day." Rather than the environmentalists parading their assault on anything and everything that is a mark of human existence on...

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