
Why America Is Going Green

America is replacing fossil energy with green energy, but not to save the planet.

Environmentalism vs Creativity

Environmentalism vs Creativity

It’s businesspeople, not “Friends of the Earth,” who, by translating scientific discoveries into practical reality, actually advance human life and eliminate pollution.

Environmentalists’ Hold on Congress

Environmentalists’ Hold on Congress

Let's face it. The average individual American has little or no clout with Congress and can be safely ignored. But it's a different story with groups such as Environmental Defense Fund, Sierra Club and The Nature Conservancy. When they speak, Congress listens. Unlike...

On April 22, Celebrate Exploit-the-Earth Day

On April 22, Celebrate Exploit-the-Earth Day

Because Earth Day is intended to further the cause of environmentalism--and because environmentalism is an anti-human ideology--on April 22, those who care about human life should not celebrate Earth Day; they should celebrate Exploit-the-Earth Day. As I wrote for The...

A Word to Environmentalists

A Word to Environmentalists

Environmentalism thus stands a very strong chance of ultimately reverting to the more traditional socialism of massive government construction and engineering projects.

Scientist Exposes IPPC as “Fundamentally Corrupt”

An energy-rationing bill has been introduced to address "global warming." The "Climate Security Act" would impose caps on how much carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions can be allowed and would institute an elaborate program to "trade" allowances among the industries and...

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