
Energy “Planning” in Germany Damages The Economy

Germany risks “deindustrialization” as high energy costs threaten to send new factories and high-paying jobs elsewhere.

Slashing Tax Rates in Europe is Progressive

More than 20 years ago, Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan triggered a world-wide revolution by dramatically slashing marginal income tax rates. In addition to rejuvenating the U.K. and U.S. economies, these supply-side tax cuts prodded other nations into...

European Constitution vs.British Sovereignty

British Prime Minister Tony Blair has survived with a wrist slap the first parliamentary committee's report on the false claims he made about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. But other, more determined, inquiries are underway, and a new imbroglio is brewing over...

Sabine Herold: Saving France From Itself

In the 15th century, a young woman named Joan rallied the people of France to revolt against their English oppressors. Today, another young woman, named Sabine Herold, is trying to do the same thing. Only she is not trying to save France from foreign invaders but from...

Old Europe Grows Older

The handshakes in Evian were polite. The conversations were civil. Unlike the tens of thousands of European demonstrators who took to the streets to protest, none of the presidents or prime ministers at last week's Group of Eight summit in France raised his voice or...

Punish France by Enlarging American Freedom

Yes, folks, it finally happened. French President Jacques Chirac swallowed his pride and placed a let's-be-friends-again phone call to President Bush.As well he should have. France's behavior regarding Iraq has been despicable. In addition to providing Saddam...

The Old Europe’s Paper Armies

When it came down to it, two of America's closest Cold War allies -- France and Germany -- were unwilling to bear the responsibility of major powers when it came to Iraq. They weren't there when we -- and the world -- needed them. Instead, they carped, complained,...

Why Do France and Germany support Saddam?

According to French President Jacques Chirac, the United States is little more than a bully on the world stage, determined to intimidate all who fail to see the need to disarm Saddam Hussein. But we have nothing on Chirac, who can bully with the best of them when...

An Axis of Appeasement: Why the “Old Europe” Balks

Leading French politicians made some remarkably defeatist pronouncements last month. Rejecting any U.S. military action against Iraq, President Jacques Chirac said that "War is always the admission of defeat, and is always the worst of solutions. And hence everything...

The Moral Cowardice of France and Germany

France and Germany will pay a woeful price for their cravenness. They have tipped their hand. Their Muslim populations now know that these governments will crumble before them; it’s only a matter of time before the “domestic disturbances” start.

Europe vs. America

Things looked so clear in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, when the forces of civilization stood on one side and the barbarians on the other. The very evening after the attack, President Bush announced that "America and our friends and allies join with all those who...

The European Union Wants to Tax You!

You don't have to be an economist to know that when tax collectors from the European Union complain about "certain distortions of competition" and announce a need to "correct" it, a blueprint for higher taxes can't be far behind. This normally wouldn't concern most...

The Latest European Fashion

The rocks have been lifted all over Europe, and the snakes of Jew-hatred are slithering free. In Belgium, thugs beat up the chief rabbi, kicking him in the face and calling him "a dirty Jew." Two synagogues in Brussels were firebombed; a third, in Charleroi, was...

Europe’s High Fuel Taxes: Virtue or Vice?

High oil prices and rising fuel taxes have lit an explosion of fury across the European continent, resulting in protests and blockades of depots and refineries. Following the recent oil price rise, the Europeans have finally realized what a massive burden fuel taxes...

The “Third Way” Moves Two Ways In Europe

In recent years, the leftist parties of England and Germany returned to power by promising voters that they had turned their back on command and control, tax and spend, economic policies. Instead they promised to "transcend" the old right and left by pursuing an...

Russia’s Chance for a Free Market Future

Russia’s Chance for a Free Market Future

Winston Churchill once described Russia as a mystery wrapped in an enigma. The election of Vladimir Putin as Russia’s new president for the next five years has in no way diminished this imagery. Groomed in the ranks of the KGB, the Soviet secret police, Putin has...

England, The Euro, and Socialist Europe

For years the socialists have been claiming that England should join the single European currency (the Euro) and should follow a central economic policy as voted by all 15 nations. England, we are told, faces dire economic woes if it fails to join the economic "party"...

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