Middle East & Israel

No Genocide in Gaza By Israel

Hamas knew that by crossing into Israel and murdering, raping and kidnapping its civilians, it was signing a death warrant for many Gazan civilians whom Hamas intended to use as human shields.

Why Obama and People Like Him Hate Israel

Associated Press reports that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sat alongside President Barack Obama on Friday and declared that Israel would not withdraw to 1967 borders to help make way for an adjacent Palestinian state. Obama had called on Israel to be...

Jewish Settlements and Israeli Law

We are hearing a lot now about Israel's creation of "Jewish" settlements on "Palestinian land." These settlements are created, we are often told, to extend the "apartheid state" of Israel by squeezing out the local populations and establishing a superior Jewish ruling...

Israel vs. Hamas: Pretty Talk and Ugly Realities

Israel vs. Hamas: Pretty Talk and Ugly Realities

No phrase represents more of a triumph of hope over experience than the phrase "Middle East peace process." A close second might be the once-fashionable notion that Israel should "trade land for peace." Since everybody seems to be criticizing Israel for its military...

The War in Iraq: Worse Than Doing Nothing

On the anniversary of 9/11, we are reminded that the forces of Islamic totalitarianism continue to threaten our lives. What should we do to protect ourselves? Depressingly, today's prevailing answer is to urge some form of "diplomacy"--and rule out as inconceivable...

What Bush Did Wrong in Iraq

The Iraq Study Group has issued many specific recommendations, but the options boil down to a maddeningly limited range: pull out or send more troops to do democracy-building and, either way, "engage" the hostile regimes in Iran and Syria. Missing from the list is the...

Washington’s Failed War in Afghanistan

America's campaign in Afghanistan was once widely hailed as a success in the "war on terror." We have nothing more to fear from Afghanistan, our policy makers told us, because the war had accomplished its two main goals: al Qaeda and its sponsoring regime, the...

Israel’s Government Deserves Moral Condemnation

The Government of Israel deserves moral condemnation for its overall response to Hezbollah. The primary purpose and moral obligation of any legitimate government is to protect the lives and rights of its own citizens. Hezbollah, a military wing of the Islamic...

Israel’s “Obligation” to the U.N.

Secretary of State Rice has stated that Israel has an "obligation" to respond to the U.N.'s demand for a cease-fire in Lebanon. Since when does any sovereign government have an obligation to reply or have anything at all to do with the U.N.? Keep in mind that Rice is...

Israel at War: Problems and Fallacies

Now that Hezbollah, Hamas, the Palestinian people (who elected Hamas), the people of southern Lebanon (who sit idly by as a group of armed thugs turn their country into a base of operations), Syria, and Iran have showed their hands and begun a shooting war with Israel...

Appeasing a Mortal Enemy: The U.S.-Israeli Suicide Pact

The Iran-Hamas-Hezbollah axis is fully responsible for initiating the war on Israel, but the Islamists' aggression is the logical product of U.S.-Israeli policy. The longstanding commitment of Israel and America to "diplomatic engagement" with Palestinians and...

Israel: No Longer a Paper Tiger?

The blame for the current fighting falls entirely on Israel's enemies, who deploy inhuman methods in the service of barbaric goals. While I wish the armed forces of Israel every success against the terrorists in Gaza and Lebanon and hope they inflict a maximum defeat...

Washington’s Failed War in Afghanistan

Unlike the seemingly endless war in Iraq, America's campaign in Afghanistan is widely considered a success in the "war on terror." We have nothing more to fear from Afghanistan, our policy makers tell us, because the war accomplished its two main goals: al Qaeda and...

How Israel Can Win

Since I argued in an earlier column that Israel can and must defeat the Palestinian Arabs, a barrage of responses have contested this thesis. Some were trivial (Ha'aretz published an article challenging my right to opine on such matters because I do not live in...

Civil War in Iraq

The bombing on February 22 of the Askariya shrine in Samarra, Iraq, was a tragedy, but it was not an American or a coalition tragedy. The destruction of the Golden Dome, built in 1905 and one of the holiest shrines of Shiite Islam, represents an escalation of the...

U.S. Should Not “Stay The Course” In Iraq

U.S. Should Not “Stay The Course” In Iraq

In Iraq, we must crush the insurgency immediately–which includes choking its backers, Iran and Syria–and let the Iraqis themselves take on the responsibility of establishing a government that will not threaten America.

On the U.S. Obligation in Iraq

Democrats and Republicans, liberal media as well as Fox News, all seem to take for granted the following position on Iraq, as (in this instance) reported today at MSNBC.com: "The constitution is a crucial step in Iraq's transition to democracy after two decades of...

Pro-Israel Palestinians

For all their rhetoric about Israel's "vicious" and "brutal" occupation, Palestinian Arabs -- including their leaders -- sometimes let down their guard and acknowledge how they prefer Israel to the Palestinian Authority. Here are some recurring themes: Restraints on...

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