Middle East & Israel

No Genocide in Gaza By Israel

Hamas knew that by crossing into Israel and murdering, raping and kidnapping its civilians, it was signing a death warrant for many Gazan civilians whom Hamas intended to use as human shields.

An Open Letter to the People of Iraq

On December 15, 1791, 212 years ago, the American Bill of Rights was ratified. Thus ended a long and difficult process by which the American people first liberated themselves from tyranny and then established the first government in history founded on individual...

The Case for ‘Iraqification’

Stay the course -- but change the course. That was the meaning of the sudden, sharp, and understated change in Washington's Iraq policy earlier this month. After the American civilian administrator of Iraq, L. Paul Bremer III, made a hurried visit to the White House,...

Our Mission in Iraq

Can we finish our mission in Iraq? Or do we need to withdraw? It all depends on what the meaning of the word "mission" is. If our mission was to remove Saddam Hussein from power, then we're done. If our mission was to remove Saddam Hussein and install an...

If a Flat Tax is Good for Iraq, How About America?

Few Americans would want to trade places with the people of Iraq. But come tax time next April, they may begin to wonder who's better off. That's because the Iraqis soon will enjoy something we don't -- a simple and fair tax system. Beginning in January, all Iraqis...

Who Hates Israel Now?

Three years after the Palestinians' violent response to the most generous and practical proposal by an Israeli government to end the decades-long conflict, hatred directed at Israel as a Jewish State has never been as extreme. From paeans to homicide bombings by...

Let Iraqis Run Iraq

What to do in Iraq? The question is made urgent by the steady attrition of coalition forces, punctuated by seven large car-bomb explosions. The latest of them, on Sunday, killed six and wounded dozens at the Baghdad Hotel. More broadly, the briefly held gratitude to...

Will Israel Save Us Again?

The Iranians are on the verge of building nuclear bombs. If this is not stopped, mass death will result. The situation is not entirely without precedent, although the crisis today is immeasurably greater. By 1981 Iraq had a similar program. Had it succeeded, America...

The Left Against Israel

"I have developed a habit," writes Richard Ingrams, a columnist for The Guardian, a far-left British newspaper, "when confronted by letters to the editor in support of the Israeli government to look at the signature to see if the writer has a Jewish name. If so, I...

Israel Should Keep Palestinian Terrorists Locked Up

Israel's recent release of approximately 400 prisoners - including 210 members of known Arab terrorist organizations - is immoral, as those released directly threaten the lives of Israelis. Though the Palestinian Intifada officially ended -- for a brief period at...

Israel’s Best Weapon?

Middle Easterners were widely puzzled in early 1994 when some leading American politicians, including Sen. Jesse Helms (R-N.C.) and Rep. Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.), forwarded more assertive, tougher positions vis-à-vis the Palestinians than did the government of Israel....

U.S. to Israel: Do As We Say

In an agreement brokered last month by U.S. National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, Palestinian terrorist groups agreed to a temporary cease-fire on condition that Israel ceases its practice of "targeted killings" (executing would-be terrorists before they have a...

Building a Nation that Lasts in Iraq

Pundits say creating a free Iraq means "democratically" divvying up political power among its various religious and ethnic factions. "[We need] to make sure all the different groups get a fair shot," said Senator Trent Lott recently. That just goes to show how far...

America’s Double Standard on Terrorism Against Israel

Recent events have rekindled simmering feelings in Israel that its chief ally and supporter -- America -- actively applies a glaring double standard when it comes to how to deal with the terrorist threat facing the citizens of both nations. This issue was thrust back...

Liberty, Not Democracy, In Iraq

The bromide, often quoted today, that we have won the war but now we have to "win the peace," is meant to remind us that we have to turn from achieving our military goals to achieving our political goals in Iraq. But what if our political goals were such that...

A Constitutional Republic for Iraq

As the statue of Saddam Hussein came crashing down, President Bush told the Iraqi people, "You deserve better than tyranny and corruption and torture chambers. You deserve to live as free people. And I assure every citizen of Iraq: your nation will soon be free."...

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