
Dollar Stores are a Beautiful Thing

Carlson is entitled to his view of dollar stores as being ugly, but for individuals and families who appreciate the offerings, services, and availability of a discount retailer in their neighborhood, it is surely a beautiful thing.

The Truth About Coercive Labor Unions

The Truth About Coercive Labor Unions

Where the closed shop unions hold sway, companies cannot compete. Their market share falls and they ultimately go bankrupt. The only way that coercive unions can maintain any given share of the labor force is by finding new victims to replace the ones they have sucked dry.

The War on Capital — Not Terrorism

The War on Capital — Not Terrorism

Just as they’ve blurred the distinction between legal tax avoidance and illegal tax evasion, OECD officials have tried to blur the distinction between money-laundering and tax havens — even though the latter involves moving illegally-gained money above-ground, from the “underground economy” while tax avoidance involves legally moving legally-made money to jurisdictions with the lowest tax rates.

Capitalism Without Capital

Capitalism Without Capital

"There is no capitalism without conscience. There is no wealth without character," President Bush told Wall Street yesterday. True. But if business owners are not smart enough to see that it's in their own economic self-interest to be honest with their employees and...

Ken Iverson: Proof that Ayn Rand’s Heroes Exist

Ken Iverson: Proof that Ayn Rand’s Heroes Exist

Many Objectivists read the book American Steel about Ken Iverson's amazing corporate leadership in developing new technology for steel producers when Big Steel was floundering under old ideas and crippling unions. Dr. Edwin Locke also made many mentions of him, as...

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