How the profit motive acts to make production steadily increase in a free market, and becomes an agent of continuous economic progress.
Inflation: The Myth of the “Price Level” (2 of 5)
When people talk of a "price level," they have in mind the image of a level of a liquid which goes up or down according to the increase or decrease in its quantity, but which, like a liquid in a tank, always rises evenly. But with prices, there is no such thing as a...
Inflation: An Increase in the Quantity of Money (1 of 5)
If the supply of caviar were as plentiful as the supply of potatoes, the price of caviar--that is, the exchange ratio between caviar and money or caviar and other commodities-would change considerably. In that case, one could obtain caviar at a much smaller...
A Case Study in Nuisance
Nuisance is highly contextual. An action that constitutes a nuisance in one context may not be a nuisance in another context.
Capitalism’s Visible Hand: Profit Seeking Benefits Consumers in a Free Market
The real advocates of the consumers—their virtual agents—are businessmen seeking profit, not the leaders of groups trying to restrict the freedom of businessmen to earn profits.
The Lust for Power and Tenant’s Rights
Economic power is founded on voluntary trade. Political power is founded on physical force.
Capitalism’s Visible Hand: Production for Profit is Production for Use
In total opposition to the misguided efforts of the Marxists to contrast production for profit with “production for use,” the fact is that production for profit is production for use.
Interventionism vs Capitalism: The Myth of the “Third-way” (4 of 4)
The idea that there is a third system — between socialism and capitalism, as its supporters say — a system as far away from socialism as it is from capitalism but that retains the advantages and avoids the disadvantages of each — is pure nonsense.
Rental Lease Options: Unattractive Alternatives Isn’t Force
We may not always like the alternatives that we face, but choosing between unattractive alternatives isn’t force.
Affordable Housing: The Costs of Democracy in California
On the one hand, housing advocates and public officials decry the state’s housing shortage. On the other hand, they continue to advocate for more controls and restrictions to be piled onto the shoulders of housing producers.
Capitalism’s Visible Hand: How Profit Allocates Capital Across Industries
The uniformity-of-profit principle explains how the activities of all the separate business enterprises are harmoniously coordinated so that capital is not invested excessively in the production of some items while leaving the production of other items unprovided for.
The Progressive Framework is Anti-individual
The Progressive framework relegates the individual to second-class status. The collective reigns supreme.
Capitalism’s Visible Hand: The Uniformity of Profit Principle
The best way to begin to understand the functioning of the price system, and thus the full nature of the dependence of the division of labor on capitalism, is by understanding the following very simple and fundamental principle. Namely, there is a tendency in a free market toward the establishment of a uniform rate of profit on capital invested in all the different branches of industry.
Interventionism vs Capitalism: A Historical Example (3 of 4)
Analyzing interventionism during the First World War in Germany and England.
Art Laffer: “Antitrust Laws Will Make Inflation Worse”
Laffer pours ice cold water on Amy Klobuchar’s plans for a “hot antitrust summer.”
Biden Scapegoats ‘Mom and Pop’ Gas Station Owners For Rising Gas Prices
More than 60 percent of retail gas stations are establishments singularly owned by a family or an individual. And while the number has undoubtedly changed over the last decade, 2013 Census data reported that 61 percent of those stations are owned by immigrants.
The Perpetual Tragedy of New York’s Rent Control
“In many cases rent control appears to be the most efficient technique presently known to destroy a city — except for bombing.”
Interventionism vs Capitalism: The Price Control (2 of 4)
Let us consider one example of interventionism, very popular in many countries and tried again and again by many governments, especially in times of inflation. I refer to price control. Governments usually resort to price control when they have inflated the money...
Economics of Bitcoin (BTC): Closer to Pyramid Than a Ponzi Scheme
Bitcoin Volatility is a Feature, Not a Bug.
Stocks and Bonds Hurt Alike Under Stagflation
When bonds and stocks decline a lot and simultaneously it suggests inflation is rising rapidly even as the economy is stagnating or contracting (or will soon do so). For most economists today, that combination is near-impossible.
Four Amazing Differences (Thanks To Capitalism)
four ways in which the lives of those of us in the modern, capitalist world differ categorically from the lives of almost everyone until just a few centuries ago.
Can Capitalism Survive? 80 Years After Schumpeter’s Answer
Eighty years ago, in the midst of the Second World War, Austrian-born economist Joseph A. Schumpeter published one of his most famous books, Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy (1942). A central question that he asked and tried to answer was, “Can Capitalism Survive?”
Interventionism vs Capitalism: On The Proper Role Government (1 of 4)
A famous, very often quoted phrase says: "That government is best, which governs least." I do not believe this to be a correct description of the functions of a good government. Government ought to do all the things for which it is needed and for which it was...
Socialism: Inability of Economic Calculation (4 of 4)
The fact is that economic calculation, and therefore all technological planning, is possible only if there are money prices, not only for consumer goods but also for the factors of production.
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