Antitrust & Monopolies

Misunderstanding the Meaning of a “Monopoly”

As long as government secures and protects private property rights, enforces all contracts entered into voluntarily and through mutual agreement, and assures law and order under an impartial rule of law, “monopoly” as an economic or social problem is virtually non-existent. But introduce government intervention into the market system, and monopoly invariably becomes a social harm and an economic problem.

The Antitrust Craze

The Antitrust Craze

Most of us can name no more than a dozen antitrust prosecutions under the Clinton Administration. However, since 1994, the Department of Justice has filed over 500 antitrust suits against American companies. The majority of suits went unnoticed, and only a select few...

Antitrust Morals and the Success of Tiger Woods

Antitrust Morals and the Success of Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods' remarkable run of success continues. In winning the last three major tournaments, two by record margins, he set new standards of golfing excellence while his competitors fought over second place. Some media commentators have wondered whether his success...

Abolish Antitrust!

Abolish Antitrust!

Good afternoon.I want to address four issues regarding anti-trust as they apply to the Microsoft case.Anti-trust Paralyzes the Thinking ProcessIn my research on the traits of great wealth creators (The Prime Movers: Traits of The Great Wealth Creators), I identified...

Mythical Roots of Antitrust: Preface

Mythical Roots of Antitrust: Preface

Most of you will recall the scandal during the winter Olympics a few years back, when disgruntled skating competitor Tanya Harding hired a thug to take a pipe to the shins of Nancy Kerrigan. Harding was envious of Kerrigan's superior ability and tried to cripple her...

Assault Microsoft, Assault the NASDAQ

Assault Microsoft, Assault the NASDAQ

Earlier this month US District Court Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson issued his "conclusions of law" in the Microsoft antitrust case. BAM! Nearly $90 billion in value was destroyed--at Microsoft alone. The firm's stock plunged 14%. The broader NASDAQ index fell...

Microsoft Breakup Is a Throwback to Socialism

Microsoft Breakup Is a Throwback to Socialism

Only a month ago, the Justice Department filed its motion that the Microsoft Corporation be broken into pieces as a "remedy" under the antitrust laws. The government wants to split the company into two pieces, one to make the Windows operating system, the other to...

Bill Gates Failed to Make a Moral Self-Defense

Bill Gates Failed to Make a Moral Self-Defense

Locke said that the only way Gates can fight government prosecutors is for the Microsoft founder to “assert proudly his right to his own existence — which means: the right to do business not as a public servant but as an individual with inalienable rights.”

Microsoft’s Real Sin: Sanction of the Victim

Microsoft’s Real Sin: Sanction of the Victim

Like other antitrust targets, Microsoft, is guilty--of something. They're guilty of something terrible. They're guilty of believing they're guilty. They're guilty of believing they're evil. They're guilty of apologizing for they're success, for their sales, their...

The Railroading of Microsoft

The Railroading of Microsoft

The press coverage of Microsoft's antitrust trial, up through the testimony of the final witness, has conveyed one consistent theme: Microsoft is losing. Its witnesses, we are told, have been caught in inconsistencies; Bill Gates's videotaped testimony was evasive;...

The Conservative-Marxist Origins of Antitrust

The Conservative-Marxist Origins of Antitrust

Part 1 of 6 in a Series of articles on Capitalism, Free-competition, Antitrust, and Microsoft The following article is an adaptation of a lecture Mr. Salsman gave at Harvard University, in May of 1999. The print version has been edited lightly in order to retain it's...

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