
The Pot Calling the Kettle Black

Special interest groups and big donors make campaign contributions because they believe that the candidate will support legislation favorable to them and their agenda.

Why The Founders Didn’t Give Us a Democracy

Why The Founders Didn’t Give Us a Democracy

As the famous story goes, when Ben Franklin left Independence Hall after the Constitutional Convention in 1787, Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia had a question she wanted answered. “Well Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” Franklin replied, “A republic, if...

What Happened?

What Happened?

Pundits who depict Obama as a weak, lame duck president may be greatly misjudging him, as they have so often in the past.

Democracy Delusions

Democracy Delusions

When the Berlin Wall came down 25 years ago this week, people in the Soviet Bloc gained something even more valuable than a right to vote: a free market.

Final Debate: Obama’s Magical Evasion Tour

In this final debate, centered on foreign policy, Romney and Obama agreed that “crippling sanctions” are the way to defeat the Iranian dictatorship. They’re both wrong. Sanctions only hurt democratic governments. Totalitarian governments answer to nobody. Ever heard...

Why the Republicans Are Losing

Why the Republicans Are Losing

If the Republicans lose the election, save this article for reference and insight at that time. Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan keep trying to argue that they are the better ones qualified to "save Medicare." Here's the problem with this approach. It implies that you love...

The Nerve That Mitt Romney Struck

The Nerve That Mitt Romney Struck

Obama supporters claim it’s “shocking” for Mitt Romney to suggest that people would vote for Obama to keep the free loot coming. Why is it shocking? The welfare state of the United States is now a massive entitlement state. No longer can we indulge the fiction that...

The 2012 Democratic National Convention

The 2012 Democratic National Convention

Barack Obama, America’s 44th president, loped into the arena last night applauding himself. When he stepped up to the podium, his eyes looked tired and his eyelids were heavy. He said next to nothing, really, which is what he stands for. It’s what his presidency...

Anti-Romneyites for Romney

Advocates of individual rights sometimes debate whether it's better to vote for the Republican, or to abstain altogether (or vote for a third-party candidate with zero possibility of victory.) I like the way Ayn Rand put it back in 1972, the last time (other than...

Clinton’s Anti-Climax

I don’t know how the ex-president Bill Clinton will be remembered, though I suspect his main legacy may be how he embodies the narcissism of our times. Tonight’s speech at the Democratic National Convention, in which he nominated a lousy American president whom he...

Michelle Obama’s Envy Tirade

Today, the Democratic Party opened its convention in Charlotte, North Carolina by appealing to those who hate capitalism, Jews and the rich. It started with news of a refusal to acknowledge Israel’s capital in the party platform and ended with a scathing speech which...

Romney, Son of Romney

Romney, Son of Romney

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney’s acceptance speech last night at the Republican National Convention was an apt preview of his prospective presidency, which at this point – and I say this barring any major developments such as an Obama smear or Romney...

Should We License Voters?

In every state of the union, individuals are required to obtain a driver’s license in order to legally operate a motor vehicle. Further, specialized licenses are also required to operate specific types of vehicles, such as large trucks and motorcycles. To obtain such...

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