
Why Do Islamic Jihad and Hamas Fire Rockets From “Safe Zones” for Palestinian Families?

Every time a Palestinian or Israeli civilian is killed, Hamas wins. That’s why they use children and women as human shields. That’s why they boast that their civilians love death in the way Israelis love life. That is why Islamic jihad fires rockets from areas near hospitals.

The War on Capital — Not Terrorism

The War on Capital — Not Terrorism

Just as they’ve blurred the distinction between legal tax avoidance and illegal tax evasion, OECD officials have tried to blur the distinction between money-laundering and tax havens — even though the latter involves moving illegally-gained money above-ground, from the “underground economy” while tax avoidance involves legally moving legally-made money to jurisdictions with the lowest tax rates.

9/11: Surrending the Domestic Front

After Osama bin Laden's hijack squadrons invaded our skies a year ago, America's military responded. Operation Enduring Freedom launched on Oct. 7, 2001. President Bush deployed thousands of troops to combat terrorist forces in the Middle East. By Memorial Day, dozens...

An America-free 9/11 Commemoration

Leave it to the folks at UC Berkley to make a muck out the upcoming 9/11 anniversary. According to the California Patriot, a student-run publication of the Berkeley Conservative Foundation, a university sponsored 9/11 "Day of Remembrance" will be devoid of any...

Rebuilding the WTC: Anything Less Is Suicide

As both an architect and architectural historian--that is, as someone who cares about buildings nearly as much as I care about my friends and family--I felt like I lost an old friend on September 11 when the towers of the World Trade Center crumbled to the ground....

Call Acts of Terrorism By Their Rightful Name

On the 4th of July, an Egyptian immigrant to the United States who believes in wild conspiracy theories about Jews, is known for his great "hate for Israel," and has possible ties to al Qaeda, armed himself to the teeth and assaulted the Israeli airline counter at Los...

Bush Rewards Terrorism

U.S. President George W. Bush has been adamant since Sept. 11 about stopping terrorism, but he took a firm step in the opposite direction in his speech at the end of last month. He should have told the Palestinians clearly and unequivocally that their 21-month...

Rebuilding the WTC: The Greatest Tribute Possible

"To the glory of mankind, there was, for the first and only time in history, a country of money -- and I have no higher, more reverent tribute to pay to America, for this means: a country of reason, justice, freedom, production, achievement. For the first time, man's...

How to Fight Terrorism: Bush vs. Clinton

Like three blind mice, Dick Gephardt, Hillary Clinton and James Carville are running around saying they want their eyes opened about what's going on in this country about terrorism. House Minority Leader Gebhardt wants an investigation into "what the White House knew...

Government–not Bush–Failed on 9-11

Government–not Bush–Failed on 9-11

"That has nothing to do with intelligence," said former President Bill Clinton. "It basically says he's a dangerous guy that might do a lot of things." Clinton refers to a 1999 CIA report about the possibility of terrorist attacks against America by Osama bin Laden....

Borders, Cyanide, and Terrorism

Unidentified bandits stole 10 tons of sodium cyanide briquettes last month during a roadside robbery in Mexico. The lethal chemical, combined with sulfuric acid, is used in gas chamber executions; a single whiff can kill in minutes. The hijacked truck was found May 16...

America’s Accommodation of Evil

America’s Accommodation of Evil

In perusing through a recently published book on American politics, the following statement caught my eye: "[The spectre] our well-meaning liberal friends refuse to face is that their policy of accommodation is appeasement, and appeasement does not give you a choice...

Are We Safer?

Are We Safer?

The carnage begun that awful day in the Iranian desert in 1980 will not run its course until Americans understand how much they need to fear and loathe militant Islam.

Powell’s Insane Mission to Reward Terrorism

If the definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result, Secretary of State Powell's mission to the Middle East is crazy. "However long the Israeli incursions continue," he said on Thursday, "the problem will still be...

Homegrown Terrorism: Militant Environmentalism

Homegrown Terrorism: Militant Environmentalism

For years Islamic terrorists attacked Americans throughout the world, and we failed to heed the warning signs: the bombings of Pan Am flight 103 in 1988, of our embassies in Africa in 1998, of the USS Cole in 2000, of the World Trade Center in 1993. This past Sept. 11...

Sept 11th: Lest we Forget

Run to the grocery store this week and buy the Feb. 25, 2002, issue of People magazine. The cover photo is a special, double-paged layout that you must see. No, it's not a Victoria's Secret model shoot. No, it's not the cast of "Friends" or "Buffy the Vampire Slayer."...

The War on Terrorism and the War on Reality

Here is the painful dilemma America faces: If we don't attack Iraq, we could risk a nuclear attack on New York or Washington by Iraqi-backed terrorists. But if we do attack Iraq, we could risk "alienating" our Arab and European allies and earning the disapproval of...

Dealing with Terrorism

Q: How are people coping with the aftermath of the events of September 11th, so that the psychological impact of the terrorist events does not overwhelm them? A: In many different ways. At first, some found an oddly kind of pleasant escape in focusing on events in the...

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