Capitalists on the Moon

The essence of Jacobin Magazine’s argument is that it isn’t fair that some get to enjoy things most of us can’t afford. If everyone can’t enjoy luxuries, then nobody should be allowed to. This is an example of what Ayn Rand called “hatred of the good for being the good.”

The Environmentalist’s Dream Came True

The Environmentalist’s Dream Came True

The environmentalists had a field day during the corona pandemic. The anti-human policies they have called for, protested for, disrupted societies and other people’s lives for, were suddenly implemented en masse, albeit on a temporary basis. Think of it as a trial for green policies. 

Unsung Heroes of the Pandemic: Scientists

Unsung Heroes of the Pandemic: Scientists

It’s a curious fact that most of us know way more about sports and pop culture, than about the pioneers of scientific research. But the benefits we’ve all reaped from their work is incalculable, and it’s clear that our way out of this global pandemic will depend crucially on scientists working to understand, track, and combat the novel coronavirus.

Coronavirus Pandemic Is Not Exponential

Coronavirus Pandemic Is Not Exponential

Contrary to what almost everyone has said during the last three months – from media talking heads to presidents and epidemiologists and your neighbor – the growth of pandemics is not exponential. The number of people infected and number of dead don’t follow “exponential” curves. They follow S-shaped curves. 

The Purpose of Flying A Nearly Empty Plane

The Purpose of Flying A Nearly Empty Plane

An efficiency-minded environmentalist could object that this trip shouldn’t be made, a Marxist-leaning commentator that this was an example of the horrible waste and misallocation of the capitalist system.

Climate Myths

Climate Myths

Governments want to keep control… Carbon dioxide becomes that molecule by which (they) can take control of your lives.

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