Free Speech

Left Discovers Free Speech (“For Me, Not Thee”)

Leftists who have been on the forefront in denying free speech rights to those deemed politically incorrect have now begun to champion the First Amendment in defense of those who advocate the killing of Jews.

Rush Limbaugh and Racial Censorship

Rush Limbaugh and Racial Censorship

It is one of the sad signs of our times that a furor was created because Rush Limbaugh expressed an opinion as to why a particular quarterback seemed to him to be over-rated. In his view, it was because the powers that be in professional football were anxious to have...

Campaign Finance Limits Violate Free Speech

Earlier this year President Bush risked the lives of American military personnel to end Iraq's tyrannical regime--a dictatorship that not only restricted the actions of Iraqis but also silenced them from speaking their mind. It is ironic that President Bush led...

Free Speech Protects Profit-Makers, Too

For a century after the Civil War, blacks in America's South were subjected to shameful acts of oppression and violence. Deprived of voice and vote, they had no choice but to suffer mutely as they were scurrilously attacked. Two California-based lawsuits indicate that...

First Amendment Bull: Tim Robbins vs. Free Speech

Lately, it seems as if almost every week some leftist celebrity finds the time and energy to publicly demonstrate their gross misunderstanding of a simple two-word phrase: "free speech." Although few people expect them to be literate enough to read the second...

Nike, Free Speech and the Constitution

Nike v. Kasky presents the Supreme Court with an opportunity to undo some of the constitutional damage resulting from the so-called "commercial speech doctrine," the Court's test for deciding whether self-interested speech is entitled to First Amendment protection....

Dixie Chicks in the Frying Pan, but Free Speech Isn’t

Dixie Chicks lead clucker Natalie Maines has fans wanting to kick her in the tail feathers. Cumulus Broadcasting is even banning the Chicks from all its 260 stations. Some have suggested, however, that the Cumulus decision violates Maines' First Amendment rights. "I...

Permission to Speak: The End of Free Speech

Two recent events show the real meaning of two popular ideas: "hate speech" regulations and campaign finance controls. The real meaning of both is the end of free speech. The first story comes from Canada, where "hate speech" laws are already on the books. Last week,...

The Canadian Government vs. Free Speech

There are two principles that taken together are the cornerstone of freedom. One is that an individual has a right to his life. The other is that an individual has the right to speak uncoerced. Today, the 2nd right is under threat in Canada. According to Ray Girn,...

Anti-Capitalist Demonstrators and Freedom of Speech

Last weekend's anti-capitalist demonstrations in Washington were every bit what most observers expected them to be: sessions in idiocy, lunacy and general mayhem. As expected, portions of the city were significantly impacted by the demonstrations and despite almost...

Censorship in Canada

Censorship in Canada

The University of Toronto Objectivist Club is having an event this Sunday entitled "The Moral Case for Supporting Israel". The club ordered from the Ayn Rand Institute 350 complimentary copies of a pamphlet entitled "In Moral Defense of Israel". (PDF). Yesterday...

Corporate Scandals: Where the Real Accountability Lies

Corporate Scandals: Where the Real Accountability Lies

By centralizing how accounting must be performed, Congress is trying to control the quality and content of information necessary for the markets to function properly. Once information is in the hands of the government, it’s only a short walk to actually dictating and managing outcomes.

“Campaign Finance Reform” Regulates Free Speech

“Campaign Finance Reform” Regulates Free Speech

The Enron scandal was welcomed like an unexpected Christmas present by Democrats who, together with much of the media, have tried to tie the scandal to the Bush administration. However, as more and more information has come out about Enron, it has become clear that...

Communists for Free Speech and Property Rights?

Communists for Free Speech and Property Rights?

Some statements are so outrageous that they stand apart from all others. In my opinion, the winner this week for the most lunatic goes to the Communist Party of the United States (CPUSA). According to the Library Journal Academic News Wire of April 26, 2001, the CPUSA...

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