Free Speech

Left Discovers Free Speech (“For Me, Not Thee”)

Leftists who have been on the forefront in denying free speech rights to those deemed politically incorrect have now begun to champion the First Amendment in defense of those who advocate the killing of Jews.

Storm Troopers Vs. Free Speech

Storm Troopers Vs. Free Speech

Despite media proclamations of "the public's right to know" and frequent invocations of the First Amendment, there has been a deafening silence from the national media over the storm trooper tactics used on college campuses against student newspapers that carried a...

The Censorship Smokescreen

The Censorship Smokescreen

For the past week, our politicians have been busy constructing the foundations of censorship in America. And worse: They have been doing so unanimously. Censorship is being promoted across the political and cultural spectrum, from Al Gore and Joe Lieberman to John...

The “Sensitive” Road to Censorship

The “Sensitive” Road to Censorship

During the O.J. Simpson criminal trial, people of that court replaced saying the word "nigger"(as used by former LA police detective Mark Fuhrman) with "the 'N'-word." Last year, Merriam-Webster was asked by certain people to omit the said racial epithet from their...

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