Free Speech

Left Discovers Free Speech (“For Me, Not Thee”)

Leftists who have been on the forefront in denying free speech rights to those deemed politically incorrect have now begun to champion the First Amendment in defense of those who advocate the killing of Jews.

Twitter is Private Property President Trump

Twitter is Private Property President Trump

Letting President Trump use the police power of the government to fight the Left is self-contradictory. “If the owners of a media platform do not get to decide who can appear on it, then who gets to make that decision?” Government force will not achieve freedom. It will only achieve tyranny.

The Big Aristotle Educates King LeBron on Freedom for Hong Kong

The Big Aristotle Educates King LeBron on Freedom for Hong Kong

With his historic statement against Communist China for the ideal of free speech and the United States of America, Shaq showed a prime example of the highest moral action. Leonard Peikoff once said that to save the world is the simplest thing — all one has to do is think. Shaquille O’Neal did exactly that.

Price Controls Attack the Freedom of Speech

Price Controls Attack the Freedom of Speech

We increasingly live in a new “dark age” of economic ignorance, and even stupidity. Few things exemplify this trend as much as the call for price controls over the interactions of multitudes of people in the marketplace of supply and demand. There are few government...

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